The Catapult programme exists to help UK businesses take ideas off the drawing board and turn them into reality. To date, the programme has supported nearly 6,000 small and medium enterprises looking to bring new products and services to market.
Run by government-sponsored Innovate UK, the Catapult programme connects UK businesses with resources, equipment, expertise and contacts in the UK research and academic community. The programme works via a network of not-for-profit technology and innovation centres throughout the UK. It is targeted at high-tech sectors, and each centre has a particular specialism. These include compound semiconductor applications; digital; energy systems; high value manufacturing; and offshore renewable energy.
The centres can be used by any UK business, regardless of size or longevity. To help you decide if the programme is right for your business, each centre has its own website and social media channels. There are also business development teams available to talk to those interested. Further information is here