Work: a whole new world

Work: a whole new world

Uber, TaskRabbit, Deliveroo - names fast becoming familiar that would have been complete unknowns only a few years ago. The world of work is changing.

In the gig economy, a ‘flexible’ labour market sees workers on short term contracts or treated as freelancers, paid a piece rate for each ‘gig,’ rather than a daily or hourly rate. It’s a growth area; recent research suggested that around 11% of the working age population participate as providers in the sharing economy.

According to a recent survey, nearly nine in ten employers and employees would like more clarification about employer responsibilities in the gig economy, and more protection for workers. The government, in its Taylor Review of employment practices, voiced concern that new patterns of work didn’t ‘undermine the reach of policies like the National Living Wage, maternity and paternity rights, pensions auto-enrolment, sick pay and holiday pay.’ It’s likely that the flexible working arrangements of the ‘gig’ economy will become more regulated in the future, and should you have any concerns, we would be more than happy to advise on best practice in any of these areas.